We have a diverse range of skills to meet all your needs.

Study and Design

We carefully study each request, whether it is well-defined or still abstract. Drawing on our extensive experience in inflatables, we provide concrete and illustrated technical proposals. To best meet your expectations, we engage in ongoing dialogue throughout the manufacturing process to jointly validate technical and artistic decisions.

Our team of designers accompanies you to define specifications and agree on a desired outcome. Starting from a sketch, a photo, a model, or a simple description, we imagine and digitize a 3D model which we then develop to interpret it into an inflatable form.


As guardians of the excellence of our creations, our team of skilled tailors brings together experts in costume making, stage decorators, prop makers, and visual artists. Our expertise also extends to designing stage costumes, enriching the world of live performance.

Wood and Iron Work

We also have the skills to work with wood and iron in the design of carts, chests, load-bearing structures, etc. This allows us to provide fully equipped and ready-to-use products.

We stand out by designing original creations with unique designs, perfectly tailored to our clients' graphic preferences. Our team of artists can translate your intention into design. We also collaborate with specialized printers for digital printing. Our inflatables can meet safety requirements for indoor use. Our commitment: quality and originality.

sunrays wallpaper
sunrays wallpaper
Light and Air

With our expertise in inflatable structures, we consistently choose reliable electrical equipment tailored to current constraints. Whether for blowers or lighting systems, we're committed to delivering high-quality solutions that enhance our creations.

magnifying glass on white table
magnifying glass on white table
Quality Control

We subject our inflatable structures to rigorous testing to ensure their compliance and optimal operation. We are committed to providing durable and reliable inflatable structures, aiming to offer our customers a pleasant experience and maintain a relationship of trust.


At Air-Fabric, we embody the inflatable lifestyle. Every individual in our workshops is capable of bringing an inflatable to life, whether it's airborne, stationary, wearable, or suspended. Depending on your needs and projects, we will assemble a team of professionals to make it happen.